Negotiating with Foreign Governments

A Seminar for Business Executives

The purpose of this course is to help business executives working in international government affairs enhance their negotiation, advocacy, communication and other diplomacy skills, making them more effective in their engagement with foreign governments.

As multinational companies expand their global footprint, they must strengthen relationships with national and local officials around the world. Doing so requires executives who possess the skills and expertise to advance corporate interests and deliver meaningful results. Whether the focus is on laws and regulations, market access, risk management, or domestic and foreign policies, corporate leaders rely on their international teams to navigate complex governmental landscapes, build trust and exert influence.

In essence, this is the work of diplomacy — and it’s our specialty. The key difference is that, while diplomats pursue national interests, corporate executives work to advance business objectives. In negotiations, both in diplomacy and in business, success depends in large part on one’s ability to reshape the other side’s perceptions and calculations, so that it does in whole or in part what one wants it to do, because it comes to see that doing so is in its own best interest.

While the core of this course focuses on negotiating with foreign governments, it develops other essential competences that underpin successful negotiations, such as diplomatic and cross-cultural communication and diplomatic protocol. The course provides an interactive and immersive learning experience, complete with case studies, simulations and other practical exercises.

Our instructors are career ambassadors who share insights they gained by practicing diplomacy and managing international relations at the highest levels for decades.

Trainees receive a certificate from the Academy.

5-9 May 2025

Virtual Classroom

1000-1130 Session 1

1200-1330 Session 2

All sessions are held live

and include discussions,

simulations and other

practical exercises.

Tuition Fee: $2,250


13-15 May 2025

Washington, D.C.

0900-1030 Session 1

1100-1230 Session 2

1330-1500 Session 3

1530-1700 Session 4

The last day will end after

Session 2.

Tuition Fee: $2,450


If you select in-person attendance, the course will be held at our premisses (see the address at the bottom of this page). Once you are accepted, we will share details about our hotel package.


Please submit the application form below no later than April 22, 2025.


Get the Diplomatic Diary

1717 K Street NW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20006

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